Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Blessings to You"

"Wishing You a Joyous Holiday Season"

Friday, December 10, 2010


The best gift to give to your family is portraits!
Make time to photograph you and your family every year.
What wonderful memories you'll always have.

Christmas Sets

These are a few of my favorite Christmas
sets from my past years. With little faces
I've photographed, there are many stories
to share. Photographs allow you to relive
the moment in time_

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How many, many springtimes
Have come and gone away;
But each one left a memory_
And memories will stay.

How many, many friendships
Life's path has let me see;
I've kept a scrap of each of them
To make the whole of me.

June Masters Bacher

Texas Bluebonnets

Ainsley is growing all the time_10 months.
Soon she will be walking and talking to us. I can't wait!
Another adopted "child of mine"

"Children as Cherubs "

Jake_ 6 months was delightful to photograph!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


"YES"_ Newborn babies to 6 months photographed in a clam shell. This is "one-of-a-kind" baby portraiture in my studio. The art intention of a natural baby's body in a real natural claim shell. The sitting includes 68_ 4 x 6 individual color and b/w sepia proofs in archival folio. Also, a photo/slideshow of my favorite pics of the babies images to music on CD. __$125.00